Wholesale Drug License Required Documents

Drug License is a permission granted by the competent authority under the Drug and Cosmetic Act 1940 to carry out business concerning drug/ medicine/ cosmetics in India. It is mandatory for all the businesses which are indulged in the process of manufacture, sell or distribute drugs to obtain a license. The State Licensing Authorities takes the application for wholesale drug license. As there is a various number of segments in the pharmaceutical industry, each segment dealing with some different ways of curing like Ayurvedic, homeopathic, etc. and body parts like dermatology, gynecology, etc. The different segment needs specific license. 

There are various types of licenses. They are as follow:

  1. Drug Manufacturing License
  2. Wholesale Drug License
  3. Retail Drug License
  4. Import of drugs
  5. Import of medical equipment
  6. Export of Medicines.

Below is the list of documents that are required for obtaining drug license in India

Documentation has played a very important role in the pharmaceutical industry and especially when it comes to pharma care. Documents are one of the ways to analyze which company to trust and who not to trust. It is necessary for the conduct of any business purposes. The pharmaceutical industry is one such industry where there is a huge impact on the health of the masses if there is a small mistake. Which makes the documentation approve the fact that the companies are safe and good.

Document required for drug license (Form19)

  • Covering a letter signed with the name of the applicant.
  • Challan (fee deposited)
  • Firm Registration receipt in a private limited firm.
  • Key plans for premises
  • Declaration in the signed format
  • Site plan for premises
  • Affidavit of proprietor, partner, and pharmacist, etc.
  • Freezer purchase bill with the address
  • Ownership/ Rent agreement deed of premises.
  • Electricity bill of premises

List of documents for New wholesaler Drug License

(Drug License No. 20B, 21B)
(Proprietor + Competent person)
  • Form No. 19
  • Challan RS. 3000/-
  • Affidavit of the proprietor on the stamp paper of Rs. 20
  • Educational certificate of the proprietor (self- attested)
  • Identity proof of the proprietor (self- attested)
  • Affidavit of competent person
  • Educational certificate of a competent person (self- attested)
  • Identity proof of the competent person (self- attested)
  • Rent agreement (50 rupees stamp)
  • Copy of refrigerator bill
  • Ownership a document including a copy of tax receipt
  • Covering letter
  • Photo 5-5 each of the proprietor & competent person.
  • Experience certificate of a competent person.
  • Electricity bill on the premises.
  • Blue print of plan layout of proposed area/ premises

The basic requirements for obtaining wholesale drug license

  • The premises should be at least 15 square meters.
  • The premises must have a refrigerator & air- conditioner.
  • You must be wondering what does a competent person here refer to?
  • In case of a wholesale drug license, a competent person refers to someone who has 1 year of experience with a graduate degree or an undergraduate having four years of experience of undergraduate.
  • The drug license must be displayed once received on the premises for further inspection.


Focus Healthcare started its journey in this industry in August 1998, having its based PCD Pharma Franchise Company in Chandigarh. The company is continuously involved in the discovery of new and innovative drug solutions. We offer a wide range of drug formulation such as Ayurvedic products, Nutraceutical, etc. The company is ISO 9001:2008 certified and believes in providing the best drugs at affordable prices. If you wish to know more then feel free to connect:

Call:+91-9872032815, 9878295689
Email: info@pcdindia.com


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